Police Investigating Incident That Led A Player To Break A Referees Arm In Swedish Pro League

Tyler Ball
December 19, 2023  (5:30 PM)

Recently a terrible incident led a referee in Swedish pro hockey to end up with a broken arm after being attacked by a player.

Player Breaks Referees Arm In Strange Incident

In a recent 5th Division Pro hockey game in Sweden, an incident occurred between a player and a referee. Player Casper Gillberg laid a massive intentional-looking hit on the official.

Gillberg was eventually suspended until December 31st, 2024. This is over a year's worth of suspension from the league. Now according to sources Gillberg is facing legal repercussions from local police as well.

Police Investigating Pro Hockey Player For Breaking Referees Arm

A new report from the referee has decided to file charges. Originally the official thought it was an accident until he was shown the video. Now potential charges could be handed down on Gillberg.

From the beginning, the plaintiff thought it was a pure accident. But after seeing clips from the incident, he chose to report it to the police because he didn't think it looked like an accident." - Preliminary investigation leader Marcus Hoppe at the Motala Police

"We have access to the video material from the match. We will interview the claimant to get a better picture of the incident. Then we have to make an assessment as to whether we should proceed with the case and summon the suspect for questioning."

As of now where this case is heading ultimately is unknown. As more information becomes available on this case we will pass it along to you.

As Read On - House Of Hockey - Police Begin Investigation Into Player That Purposely Broke Refs Arm

Police Investigating Incident That Led A Player To Break A Referees Arm In Swedish Pro League

Should the player face legal repercussions for his actions?

Yes4058 %
No2942 %